The Climate Reality Underscoring the Urgent Need for Unparalleled Climate Action.

Climate change is manifesting in a multitude of detrimental impacts across the globe. From the melting polar ice caps exacerbating sea level rise to the intensification of extreme weather, the evidence of climate change’s destructive force is undeniable. Moreover, ecosystems are undergoing unprecedented disruptions, with coral reefs succumbing to bleaching, forests facing rampant deforestation, and species facing extinction rates unmatched in human history. These harrowing realities call for immediate efficacious climate action to shape the future trajectory of our planet and the well-being of generations to come.

We are committed to addressing the following challenges of the climate change crisis.

  • The lack of comprehensive data and evidence is a primary obstacle to effective decision-making.
  • Limited visibility into the effectiveness of climate actions complicates the assessment of the efficacy.
  • Information gaps hindering the understanding and engagement in climate solutions.

What We Do:

In the absence of a shift from current business-as-usual practices, unprecedented climate change will end our world as we appreciate it. It is urgent and necessary to act.

Earthwise Institute accelerates this transition that is towards earth with wisdom, one group of audiences, and one topic at a time.

Dive into climate solutions through a cross-disciplinary lens. Access comprehensive databases and evidence-based analysis, all in one place.